Monday, December 31, 2007


हमको ग़ालिब ने यूं दुआ दी थी
'तुम सलामत रहो हजारों बरस'
यह बरस तो बस दिनों में गया


आज कि कैफियत...

आज छुट्टी के दिन सुबह से कुछ लिखने की हसरत से यह पन्ना खोल कर बैठा था...इस उम्मीद से के बीते दिनों में यारों के साथ बिताये हुए लम्हों के बेतरतीब हर्फों को सलीके से सजाकर एक ख्याल की शक्ल दे दूं... मगर शाम ढले तक जब लफ्जों के गुच्छे नही सुलझा पाया तो गुलज़ार के इस पुखराज ने आज की कैफियत बयाँ कर दी...

खाली डिब्बा है फ़क़त, खोला हुआ चीरा हुआ

यूं ही दीवारों से भिड़ता हुआ, टकराता हुआ

बेवजह सड़कों पे बिखरा हुआ, फैलाया हुआ

ठोकरें खाता हुआ खली लुड़्कता डिब्बा

यूं भी होता है कोई खाली-सा बेकार-सा दिन

ऐसा बेकार-सा बेमानी-सा बेनाम-सा दिन...

Friday, December 28, 2007

Conflict of (whose) interests?!!

Service Industry is primarily based on a client and agent relationship. Existence of such a relationship, as a corollary would mean representation of the service consumer (the client) by the service provider (the agent)....covering all form of service providers ranging from lawyers, bankers, brokers...and property agents. Closely associated with this relationship is the issue of remuneration of the agents, which is the primary driving force for the agents to get into this relationship.

This right and responsibility to represent is conveyed to the agent based on the premise that the agent shall be able to protect the client's interests or serve the client's interests in best manner. One can safely assume that for this end, the agent is expected to undertake all the endeavours possible...permissible under the acceptable and applicable legal and ethical framework. The endeavour to serve the best interests of the client, may not be an outcome of a single event or a collection of discrete is a process, wherein the agents are expected to intitate, build and nurture those relationships. Another important aspect of this 'interest protection' phenomenon is a fact that this is rarely a zero sum game...unless one is in litigation or at hustings...thereby making the solution an outcome of not a maximisation function, but an optimisation function. Simply put, the interests of the client is best protected only when the interest of the counterpart doesn't get damaged.

Now, there is a school of thought that accepting any form of 'gifts' from any of these counerparties, who by the way are legitimate business associates of the agents, compromises the agent in question. Superficially, it does appear to be, however, the things are not as simplistic as it appears to be on the face of it. When one looks at the premises mentioned above, the agents' greatest interest lie in getting the 'best' deal done. This best deal can' t be concluded unless both the parties...and one of them being the client...get away with the optimised situation. As long as this optimised solution is not achieved, nobody's interests gets or otherwise...leave alone that of the agent.

Hence, compromisation (if at all such a word exist!!!) of the agent's position arising out of any pecuniary benefits, by way of gifts, being derived from any profesional/personal relationship with any of the counterparties to the client's agents, is not so much in conflict of the interest of its client but with its own interests and thereby damaging to it, too.

As can be expected of any rational individual, one does not indulge in activities which damages one's own interests or is in its conflict.

(P.S. For an insitutional agent, there are some other areas where the real conflicts lie, but that's the topic for another blog!!!)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Friends !?!

बे-यारों मददगार ही कटा था सारा दिन
कुछ खुद से अजनबी सा, कुछ तनहा सा उदास सा
साहिल पे दिन बुझा के मैं लॉट आया फिर वहीं
सुनसान सी सड़क के इस खाली मकां में

दरवाज़ा खोलते ही मेज़ पर किताब ने हलके से फरफारा के कहा
"देर कर दी दोस्त!"

Last night while returning home after a hard day's work, a strange sense of lonliness was creeping up through the nerves...then I found this collection of Gulzar's 'नज्म' peering out of a dust laden book shelf, as if offering to share my loneliness.

It seemed to be part of some larger scheme of things, when the first verse I read was the above one...indeed got very late in picking up this treasure trove

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Sree Ganesh

Indian Civilisation has a concept of सांझी विरासत which verbatim means "Common Inheritance". This comon inheritance or common heritage makes me an equal claimant on the heritage bequeathed by the thinkers, scholars and poets of this land.

One such common forefather of all Delhiites like me is an old resident of बल्लिमांरां from a bygone era who became known as मिर्ज़ा असदुल्लाह खान 'गालिब'. As a tribute to him I would like to start my blog with this famous couplet of his...

हज़ारों ख्वाहिशें ऐसी के हर ख्वाहिश पे दम निकले,
बहुत निकले मेरे अरमां लेकिन फिर भी कम निकले...

More so, because this blog is a medium to express many of those ख्वाहिशै and also to share them with some रहगुज़र of my ज़िंदगी.